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WP8: Demonstration and validation

General summary and objectives of the work package

This work package will take up the efforts of all developments and convey them to well-defined added values for European manufacturing industry. Concretely, the I-RAMP³ concept will be applied in several demonstration scenarios: for example, one demonstration scenario will be on the ramp-up of a new real-life production system of an E-Vehicle assembly line.

The following objectives will be pursued in WP8:

Definition of use-cases, requirements and quality goals for demonstration scenarios

  • Demonstration towards set-up and ramp-up of new production
  • Demonstration towards rapid component exchange due to new requirements
  • Demonstration towards maintenance and re-use of production equipment
  • Validation against internal and external end-users and the Industrial Advisory group

Partners involved in this work package

Partner AWL will lead this work package with the support of Harms&Wende, Fraunhofer IPA, GAMAX, Technax, University of Applied Science Karlsruhe, Faculty of Engineering at Porto University, Critical Manufacturing, IEF Werner, INOS, and Freedom Grow.

State of affairs/results

Recent developments and results will be presented here soon.